Come Worship With Us
Welcome to Harbor Baptist Church of Ormond Beach, Florida. We appreciate you taking the time to learn more about us. Church is more than buildings and programs. It is people, a warm and friendly congregation of loving and caring people who love the Lord Jesus Christ, and people. Our purpose at Harbor Baptist is to lead people into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and to spiritually train each person for spiritual maturity, ministry, and service. We are genuinely interested in you, your family, and your spiritual life. We would be honored to have you as our guests at any of our scheduled services and activities.
As you browse the pages of our website, you will see that we have ministries for all ages from senior adults to young children. We would be delighted to have you be a part of the exciting things going on at Harbor Baptist. Do not hesitate to contact me if you desire further information about our church, or if I can minister to your spiritual needs in any way.
- Pastor Mike Petrick
Service Times
Sunday Morning Worship - 10:00 A.M.
A nursery and a children's church is available during the 10:00 A.M. service.
Sunday Evening Worship - 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Bible Study Classes - 6:00 P.M.
These include adult, ladies, and children's classes.
The ladies bible study class is repeated on Thursdays at 2:00 PM.